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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  May 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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details in the forecast. >> cut off by a winter landslide. >> there is no way to get out. i mean, we would have to carry everything or leave it. >> they have been living like this for months. why a fix is nowhere near. people in san jose are so bad at recycling trash inspectors are checking bins and rating how well you did. >> we see non-recyclable paper. >> this is an oops. >> meant to clear up confusion about what goes in what bin.. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. good evening, thanks for joining us at 7:00. after a -- a winter that did not end, we are seeing a spring that is warm. across the bay area people were out in full force
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to enjoy today's sunny warm weather. this was the scene in pacifica this afternoon. no beach, no problem. we saw sun bathers laying out on their towels and blankets at delorous park. then, the waterfront, perfect day to sit outside and enjoy a meal or a beverage. people are not complaining. >> i like it when it is sunny. nice that you have a little bit of wind to hold it down a little bit. this is perfect weather. >> i would say so. i think paul would agree, too. you have been preparing us to get ready of the temperatures and boy we saw it firsthand. >> yes. today was the warm day in san francisco. first time we topped 80 degrees since the middle of october. last year, plenty of sunshine outside. you can see it from our hotel camera as well. 81 degrees the high in the city. not that much warmer as you go farther inland. middle 80s. upper 70s
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at half moon bay. look at the cooler temperatures, cooler than where we topped out. middle 60 s in san francisco and oakland that is 15-17 degrees cooler than where the high temperatures were. 57 degrees at half moon bay. most of the drop happened in the course of 20 minutes. that will be a factor again tomorrow. it will be a warm, even hot day inland. the temperatures not as warm in san francisco and oakland. then, the breeze it will kick in again and have another rapid temperature tumble in store for us late afternoon and evening. farther inland, upper 80s and 90s. these are the peak days of warmth for the inland parts of the bay area. it will be toasty this weekend. take a look at the weekend forecast in just a few minutes >> we will take it. >> a lot of you turned on your ac for the first time this year, of course, you will pay for it on your next bill. here is the good news, state
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regulators approved lowering electric rates. there is something else that you will be paying for instead. >> how many households are going to see a significant bill increase? almost $4 million. >> a controversial change to utility bills, a new fixed fee after many customers have already been hit by a series of rate hikes. josh is the president of flagstaff research. a company that creates and distributes products in the energy market. he also rents an apartment. he says he is the type of person who will be negatively impacted by this change. >> a significant amount of renters will pay more. a significant amount of single family with high usage will pay less. >> reporter: on thursday, the california public utility's commission approved a two-part strategy to restructure utility bills, for many pg&e customers it will be a fixed charge of about $24. but, for low income house holds they will pay $12
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or $6. people are already paying these fees to some extent but it was charged on use. >> basically you paid for the energy you use. no fixed charge. pulling up to the gas pump and you pay by the gallon. now they are putting in a fixed charge. you have to pay it. >> reporter: for people who smaller spaces who are not low income like him they will likely end up paying more for the fixed rate because they don't use as much. it is the big energy users that will benefit the most. >> i live here in just on an under 1,000 square apartment. larger house going out to walnut creek. something that uses twice the pay area average will be saving a little, almost $400 a year. . >> reporter: uc berkeley says it is not a rate increase. the amount the bill will go up is
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less than $24. >> for the average customer who is not on the low income program, it is going to be an increase of about $3 a month. >> reporter: he says this fee will not be going towards one thing but many. >> paying for things like the extra investments we need to make to underground lines and to insulate lines and to put on the fast trip technology that will shut off a power line as soon as it has a fault so it does not start a wildfire. >> it can be used for research and development for new technologies, he is as in general, a flat fee is a way of encouraging people to use more electricity by purchases electric vehicles or an induction cook top. >> we encourage conservation. we are flipping it on its head and saying we will give you a discount for increased energy use. >> it will go into effect in early 2026.
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>> the fixed fee of $24 is lower than what utilities were asking for. they wanted to charge $53 and $71 a month it is no secret that the san jose b.a.r.t extension is facing roadblocks. it is expected to take years to complete and the project needs billions more in funding the biden administration is giving the project's bit of a boost with a $500 million grand. it will help but they need over $12 billion to complete the extension. they are expected to request half of that money this summer. as californians we are known to be environmentally conscious but here is a head scratcher. 95% of californians have recycling but only 37% of
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recyclables are getting recycled. >> reporter: anthony is a man on a mission. early in the morning he nips the lids of dozens of recycling bins. >> well, we see non-recyclable paper, plastic wrap. >> reporter: part of a pilot program run by the city of san jose. the idea to eyeball the contents of bins on collection day to give residents a little feedback as to why now. >> we are seeing a lot of increase in unacceptable materials that are non-recyclable. >> contaminated bins are on the rise. they explain. >> so, recycling cart is contaminated when the wrong materials are in it. particularly liquids and food. then they spread out on the
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paper and other products in the cart that make it so we can not recycle it anymore >> the item ends up in a landfill where the food and drink slowly rot creating methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. >> it impacts rates. so, the more that we have garbage in the recycle cart, the more the program costs which means the more the rates go up. >> reporter: back to the bins. stickers get attached to each cart, a green good job or a red oops with tips to do better. >> oops not negative t. is far more effective. >> reporter: an expert in human behavior at stanford school of medicine, he applauds their approach especially the added visual tips >> if on top of that you show people how to do it, you feel a part of the team rather than part of the problem. >> as for the locals?
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>> i think it is good. >> reporter: this family. >> i think it is a good way to help the citizens of san jose doing a better job. >> reporter: the family will move back to the netherlands where the recycling rate is 80% compared to san jose 57%. >> we need to continue this initiative like for next couple of months maybe year, maybe two years, continue to educate people. if you see a change, that is perfect result of the project. >> reporter: it is a work in progress. >> out of all of of the ones i tagged i believe there were two good jobs. out of, i think, i tagged 85. >> the hope to make it simple and easy as child's play. >> if you want to change your recycling habits go to to check out a list of items that are not recyclable that usually end up in the bin. we are on potus watch.
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president joe biden is expected to land 30 minutes he is behind first ahead jill biden, she touched down a little bit ago. president biden flew out of joint base andrews to the bay area. he has traveled to the bay area multiple times over the last year to fill up the campaign coffers. >> we did see signs of preparation for the president and first ahead's arrival around the hotel where they usually stay. president biden is set to attend two campaign fundraisers on friday. we are hearing that one of them is in palo alto. hosted by the former ceo of yahoo. another event at the home of venture capitalist billionaire. tickets cost between $6,000 and $100,000. still ahead, several cars burned in the east bay. the neighborhood effort to try to
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put the flames out. and still cleaning up from the past winter, up next we will meet the resident who was washed out. the road washed out. now it is turning simple errands into a major ordeal. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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. summer is around the corner, starting to foal like that. bay area neighborhoods are still stuck dealing with the aftermath of the storms. that is true for people living along mountain charlie road in the santa cruz mountains, a landslide that hit earlier this year cut the community in half. so, devin fehley joined me now, talking to neighbors, they are trying to do basic tasks. >> for people living in the area, a minor errand, like going to the grocery store, dropping or picking up your kids from school has become a major inconvenience and a major lastel. they have to hike
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across an active landslide or drive miles out of their way. it is worse for the families who can not use their driveway at all because the slide is virtually on the doorstep. it is out of nowhere. >> amanda watson is one of the 13 people who live in the homes directly above the slide. >> going in and out it has been a challenging is an under statement, it is hard to express how it effected every part of our lives. >> reporter: amanda says the road began to fail in late february, starting with a spider web's cracks of pavement and then the hillside, saturated from winter storm started to slide down. the county estimates the road dropped roughly 11.5 feet since march. enough to swallow a one story home. >> we estimate it will take about 1-3 years for us to fully
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repair mountain charlie road. that road is still moving. and it is moving over a foot horizontally and vertically a week. until the slide starts moving they can not come up with a plan or start repairs. that is not the only challenge. the county does not know where the money would come from to make the repairs >> there is a lot of uncertainty with the future of mountain charlie road given the time line is only a estimate, given the finances it is still in the works >> that is not the news that amanda and her neighbors want to hear. the road grows worse by the day. so, too, does their inconvenience and impatience. they fear they are running out of time and options. >> there is no way to get out. we would have to carry everything or leave it. nobody is going to rent the place. nobody is going to buy the place. i mean, we are all
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stuck. all of us on both sides of this disaster. >> the county is actively trying to get money from the state and the federal government because it makes no sense to have a plan if you don't have the money to pay for it. >> how did you navigate getting around? >> gps was like, stop, turn. >> it took a long way, 45 minutes to get up there and basically like if you live on one side but your kid's school is so the other, you just have to hike across that slide or you have to, you know, go all of the way through the mountains. >> a foot a week >> yes. has not stopped yet. >> all right, devin, thank you. all right nmarin county, rescue crews saved a man clinging to a cliff. it happened on monday. the agency says the hiker was not familiar with the trail and ended up sliding off of the cliff side. they were able to fly him back up to safety. fortunately. all right, let's head over to paul heggen. filling us in on a
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beautiful week of weather. >> heading into mother's day weekend. not seeing a change in the big picture pattern. still, off shore winds through the depth of the atmosphere. at ground level the pacific ocean, like today, had something to say. the light wind is going to return tomorrow afternoon and evening so, after the temperatures they will be warm again. they will drop off quickly once the breeze returns. farther inland, it is going to intensify. that light onshore breeze, the fog will fill in along the coast heading into tomorrow morning. it should back up away from the coast for a little while. the temperatures will warm up along the coast to the upper 60s and 70s. seeing a little bit of the fog creeping through right now. the temperatures 66 degrees in san francisco and oakland, a big drop from the lower 80s we had earlier to upper 70s in san jose. still in the lower 80s in concord, livermore and santa rosa. temperatures will even out heading through the night. everybody ends up in the 50s. i
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mentioned the drop in temperatures in san francisco. here is the temperature trend heading through the day tomorrow. topping out in the upper 70s. drop a little bit by 3:00 in the afternoon. then, the big drop by tomorrow evening. heading out to the giants game, plan on typical may weather heading through the evening hours on friday. let's take a look at the 10 day temperature trend for livermore. we are looking at high temperatures going to be up and down quite a bit. inland spots, no worries about the breeze having an influence. we will be in the 80s as we head through the middle of next week. finally returning closer to average temperatures by the following weekend. let's take a look at tomorrow's highs, we will fill in the map, we are talking about temperatures in the middle to upper 80s. warm, but not record setting, temperatures in the east bay, inland, they are going to be in the upper 80 exps lower 90s -- 80s and lower 90s. half moon bay, like san francisco you
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will warm up, then, the pig drop happens like today. lower 80 s in oakland, the temperatures tumbling. in the north bay making it up into the middle to upper 80s by 90 degrees by friday afternoon. as long as the warm weather is sticking around we will feel the pollen count remaining high. it just does not change. day-by-day basis, locked into the medium high category through tomorrow, through the weekend and into early next week. so, if you are suffering, well, you are not alone and make sure to keep the cleanics and the medication handy. let's take a look at the forecast. warmest day tomorrow, inland spots, settle in the up and down pattern in the 80s. coolest day, 80 degrees, above normal. bayside it will be a different story. once the temperatures drop by the second half of the weekend we settle in the near average temperature pattern. the warmth, an inland thing. mother's day and into
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most of next week. along the coast, a similar trend. one more day above temperatures tomorrow. back to the upper 50s and 60s. more cloud cover along the coast for sunday and monday. it will be deeper. it will allow it to expand and push its way into the inland valleys for the early morning hours for mother's day. again, get away from the water, plenty of sunshine mother's day. >> sounds amazing. >> neighbors jump in with
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in san francisco. a man is facing charges to multiple hit and runs. hoifd as 55-year-old jefferson. jefferson hit and injured a 14-year-old girl walking to school on tuesday morning. while trying to get away from the police. earlier in the day the officers hit a pedestrian on jones and market street. threw a $20 bill at the victim and drove away. he was eventually taken into custody. a fire broke out in the middle of a neighborhood, burning cars, fence lines, spreading to trees. we were flying over over the flames we saw something that might restore your faith in humanity. take a look. neighbors turned into amateur firefighters. they ran over with fire hoses, watering things down to stop the flames from spreading. helping one another. luckily, firecrews arrived they managed to stop it from spreading to
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other homes >> happened this morning in poppy wood court and silver throrn place. no word how the fire started in the first place. the zoo has a brand-new resident. how you can help name this little guy
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. the oakland zoo is reaching new heights adding a new 10 foot tall giraffe to their exhibit. he came from new orleans. the zoo says the 13-month-old is still getting used to his new home and will soon meet his five other giraffe mates. they are holding a poll to pick a name so you can vote on their facebook, x or instagram. we were thinking about it.
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how about marty. mardi gras, marty for short. you're welcome. see you at 11:00.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause]


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