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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  September 12, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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>> reporter: regusters kidnaped a five-year old girl from bryant elementary school in west philadelphia now a year and a half ago and sexually assaulted her, before she escape, what investigators say was 19 hours of torture. >> thinks a child who was able to provide more detail, more information, then most adults. she's an amazing, courageous, child. >> reporter: regusters is scene in surveillance video taking the the victim, hoist now seven, out of school dressed in muslim dress. she was the child's mother she said. the girl was found a day later at 4:00 a.m. wondering in an upper darby play ground. investigators say victim pointed out house she had been held in cobbs creek by recognizing the back door. then she took the stand describing her attack. the defense has maintained that regusters helped the girl escaped but she never testified on her own behalf. >> i thought she would have had a number of things she would have to answer and i don't think she would have had an appropriate answer for them. >> reporter: victim's mountain
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are leaving court said through her trauma her daughter suffered today we had justice in one sense but there is still a day of reckoning for the city of philadelphia school district. this would not have happened had they not allowed it to happen. >> reporter: and the victim's family is currently bringing a federal lawsuit against the philadelphia school system, regusters will be sentenced in 90 days, she's looking at life behind bars. we're live outside the criminal justice center i'm diana rocco for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". key piece of evidence that helped convict regusters was 911 tape from the good samaritan who found 59 year-old girl wet and shivering alone in the playground where she had been abandoned by her attackers. she had been held captive and assaulted for 19 hours prior to that moment. for the first time we're hearing his words as she rescues the the victim. "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter is live in the cbs-3 the sat center with that part of the story, walt.
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>> reporter: man named nelson mandela myers was walking to work early that january morning in early 2013 when he heard a tiny voice calling for help and saw five-year old frightened only wearing a t-shirt. on this 911 tape obtained by kyw news radio mr. myers voice as he saves the little girl. >> police, fire, ambulance. >> hi, sir, i'm walking down street going to work and i have a little girl that says somebody tried to steel her. >> okay. and where are you at. >> i'm in upper darby, pennsylvania. >> reporter: nelson mandela myers knew something terrible had happened when he heard voice of the five-year old little girl crying for help, inside of the upper darby play ground as he walked to work. that little girl abduct there her grade school the morning before had been subjected to a brutal attack at the hand of cristina regusters who then abandoned her. >> i was walking and all i heard was help, help somebody help me.
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>> reporter: myers 911 call obtain by kyw news radio was part of the evidence that helped convict regusters, but in that play ground, that cold morning, no one yet knew she was the predator. myers, knowing only that there was a little girl freezing, terribly frighten, his call, and his actions, now credited with possibly saving her life. >> i seen no one out there. she was just inside the baseball field trying to hide from whoever trying to steel her. she said somebody tried to steel her. >> reporter: coming up at 6:00 a one on one interview whose commander whose investigators cracked this case as well as with one of the jurors and exclusive video of the bird that the the juror says helped lead to regusters conviction. we will see you at 6:00. live from the sat center i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". developing at this hour a man is rush to the hospital
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after part of the home being demolish comes crashing down, around him. the man was trapped under the ruble in the 200 block of monroe street in philadelphia's queen village, "eyewitness news" reporter noel mcclaren is live at the scene, noel. >> reporter: police say l and i is on the scene investigating the incident right now, you can see that a big portion of that building is still blocked off but neighbors in the area tell us that action taken here today is too little, too late. a demolition turned disaster police say two workers inside this demolition project on second and monroe were injured as a heavy wall felon top of them, and the scaffolding they were standing on. >> when that slab came downey heard hallering, so i went up on my third floor and saw workmen jam in the elevator shaft on top of him. >> reporter: jack tyler lived next door to the partial collapse, when he heard loud bang he ran inside and found one worker trapped underneath the ruble. he said it looks like he fell
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three stories. >> face was all swelled up, bloody and right eye was closed but i don't know what happened to his legs they were jammed down inside and we could not get wood off of him. >> reporter: rescue crew where is able to remove him and he was taken to the hospital with lacerations to his head. >> i'm told he is in safe condition. >> reporter: neighbors say they are surprised and relieved more weren't hurt they tell "eyewitness news" that the demolition has been a problem since they began two weeks ago. just last week they say it caught fire. >> i don't know whether they knew what they were doing. >> we did research on the project and according to l and i's web site there were three construction violations here last year alone. they have been since resolved. we have reached out to l and i for comment but we have still not heard back from them. reporting from queenville i'm michelle mcclaren for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". oscar pistorius is now awaiting sentencing. he was convicted today of
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culpable homicide in the shooting death of reeva steenkamp. the judge said there was not enough evidence to find pistorius guilty of murder. track star could be sentenced to 15 years in prison or may not spend anytime at all behind bars. we will have much more on this story a 59:30. it is kind of september weather we love, blue skies, mild temperatures, but changes on the the way. we are tracking rain for part of the weekend but don't tell that to the folks on the banks of the schuylkill. they enjoyed a beautiful afternoon making most of the picture perfect friday. lets get the latest from meteorologist justin drabick live on the cbs-3 sky deck keeping a close eye on storm scan three, justin. >> reporter: in threat of any rain anytime soon because it is a classic september day, low humidity, warm temperatures and the sunshine. it ace split weekend shaping autopsy cross the delaware valley. enjoy this evening heading out, check out temperatures still very comfortable in the sunshine, 77 degrees,
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officially at the airport, a nice 63 in mount pocono. low to mid 70's in south jersey, little cooler at the shore and have that breeze off the ocean. northeast philadelphia checking in at 80 degrees at this hour, that is hot spot right now, 74 in willow grove and 73 in pottstown and quakertown. our dew point temperatures which tells us how much moisture in the air, yesterday they were well in the 60's, very humid, today dry air mass very low in the lower 50's. open up those windows and enjoy refreshing air mass. we have high clouds building in across the region and that is the trend tonight but in threat of rain. if you have evening plans, 71 at 7:00 o'clock tonight and sunshine a few clouds around and 9:00 o'clock upper 60's. partly cloudy at 66 degrees. of course we have komen three day entering on tomorrow. lit followfy, best time in the morning just some clouds watching out for rain in the afternoon. sunday looking better, mostly sunny skies returning highs in the lower 70's.
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we will time out rain for you and show you extended forecast in the few more minutes, back over to you. one man has died in the crash on route 55 in vineland, chopper three over this scene, two people in this lex thaws went out of control in the southbound lanes, driver andrew law from the villas cape may county was kill. the passenger jessica, also from villas was taken to the hospital. there is no word on her conditions and authorities are still investigating. "eyewitness news" on the scene of the house fire in pennsauken that started around 2:00 a.m. on a home on north 40th street, two people inside escape the flames, in one was injured. the the cause of the blaze is still under investigation. philadelphia police need your help looking for an armed robber who targeted a 7-eleven store. the robbery happened early yesterday morning in the 1400 block of cottman avenue in oxford circle. police say that suspect followed a cashier in the store then pulled out a gun and demanded money. he then took off with an
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undetermine amount of cash, in one in the store was injured. philadelphia police are also looking for suspects in the drive by shooting, this happened on august 31st in the 3,000 block of b street in kensington. an 18 year-old man was shot in the thigh and arm in this shooting, police believe that the suspects were in a light colored chevy suburban suv with the sun roof. workers at taj mahal has received notice that the casino could shut down for good in november. trump entertainment resorts says it sent notice to more than 3100 employees. cot filed for bankruptcy on tuesday, and threatened to close the taj mahal, if it didn't get concession from his unions. it pointed to november 13th as a tentative closure date. well, there is much more ahead on "eyewitness news" 59:00 what you to do when a feud with the neighbor gets out of control. one man says his neighbor harassed him and his dog with
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abusive signs. how did this get so ugly, see what happened when the iteam showed up. school lunches have have come under fire for not being healthy but what you're packing at home could ab lot worse, three is on your side with important information for parents. a little girl ace parentally disappointed with the surprise guest at her school, she wanted beyonce but she wound up with the president. she let him know. we will have that story when "eyewitness news"
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on the cbs-3 healthwatch with students back to school now parents are more focused on lunches and while it has gotten better cafeteria food isn't always the most nutritious but new study says home packed lunches are often much worse. three on your side health reporter stephanie stahl has more on that and some helpful solutions. >> my kids don't... >> reporter: shanon, tries to pack a healthy lunch for them every day but sometimes struggles to find foods that they will eat. >> we might have turkey sandwiches and peanut butter and jelly every day but if they will eat it, i'm happy with that. >> reporter: new study looked at home packed lunches of more than 603rd and fourth graders and found in of the meals contained servings from all five food groups. >> what is coming from home is not as good as is what being served in our schools. >> reporter: how can parent make healthier lunches that kid will eat? experts say, start at the grocery store. >> allow them to go shopping with you when you say okay what fruit do you want to have in your lunch box.
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let them pick a variety of it. same thing with vegetables and you have better chance of not only being pack but eaten. >> reporter: there are a few tricks to make veggies more appetizing. >> the biggest secret is salsa. kid love salsa. a serving a vegetable group. >> reporter: salsa with whole grain chips is best and instead of milk signs tooth yogurt or cheese. in addition to lean meats there are a few other good protein options. >> think about humus, of course, peanut butter sandwiches, another easy one to have. >> experts say, if the majority of your child's lunch is healthy, it is okay to pack a little dessert. lots of parents have different tricks and recipes, to pack a healthy lunch. lets share it with the class. follow me on twitter and facebook and give me some of the your tricks like how about whole wheat bread that looks like white bread. >> that goodies. >> and it is out there. >> that is a biggest. >> humus and sals.
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>> i pack humus for my doubt they are morning. i feel like i accomplish something. >> yes, very good. >> thanks, stephanie, great tips. well, roar of motorcycles echoed through center city philadelphia to day. >> what you are in for here at hero thrill show. >> reporter: kick off pep rally for the hero thrill show took over market street between 18th and 19th street. spectators got a sneak peak what they can see in the 60th annual hero thrill showed scheduled for next saturday. proceeds get to the college education of survivors of the police officers and fire fighters who were killed in the line of duty. good afternoon everyone. just five credit 15. we're having a really poor start to our afternoon and our rush hour this friday. we will head outside on to the vine street expressway at broad street where you can see we have an accident right here trying to get cleared up and out of the way. taking out center lane jammed
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solid headed westbound towards the schuykill expressway. we're not doing much better out on the blue route where the northbound lanes on the opposite side are not doing too bad but just as the schuylkill expressway here you can see multi vehicle accident pushed over where that road split off to the off ramp to the schuylkill expressway, southbound and backup from this point all the way four or 5 miles to the mid county tolls. in new jersey not doing too much better an accident on the ac expressway heading eastbound at williamstown. just be prepared to squeeze on by to the right-hand side a lot of transit problems, market frankford line suffering from westbound delays due to equipment problems. broad street line is suffering from delays due to a disabled train in both directions. otherwise travel times on the majors slowing up 95 woodhaven road in the vine street expressway heading southbound a heavy trip there, 33 minutes and 26 minutes on the schuylkill from the blue route in the vine street expressway eastbound, chris and natasha, back over to you. still to come on
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"eyewitness news" it looks like a winter wonderland except for one thing, it is summer, we will tell you where resident are already digging out from a snowy mess. and with the help of a phillies fan favorite some local teams are getting a firsthand look at the dangers of the texting and driving. beasley. pittsburgh steelers and baltimore ravens, i'm giving it up for garnett valley and ridley because it is friday and that means friday football. i prefer this game. we will talk about it coming up in sports.
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we have more fall out in the investigation in the death of joan rivers. the medical director of the up are east side clinic where comedian went in cardiac arrest no longer works there, the clinic spokeswoman would not elaborate on the circumstances. of course, the 81 year-old rivers died september 4th, a week after going in to cardiac arrest during what was otherwise a routine endoscopy. state health department has said it is investigating the entire matter. here is just a remind their winter, yes, it is just around the corner. this is video from south dakota where they are cleaning up from a summer snowstorm that dumped up to 8 inches in certain spots. sunny, warmer weather is predicted this weekend and that should help with the
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melting. boy. >> now that is a scary thought. >> yes, in the dakotas for now. >> where it should be. >> we are not ready for that. >> could not be more beautiful. >> one of the days you don't have to worry about people complaining about the weather, walk by, no issues. classic fall-like day today. we will see a nice start to the nice night but watch for the weekend though, some rain does return in the forecast, half and half weekend shaping up. enjoy this evening. check it out. temperature wise compared to yesterday big difference in the temps, anywhere from six to 14 degrees cooler. so that fall-like air mass continues to build in for the weekend. we had warm humid air mass that felt like summer. that is gone. we will not see return to summer-like weather at all over next several days. nice in the sunshine 77 at the airport. sixty-three, comfortable in the mountains, shore in the lower 70's. hanging out at the boardwalk later tonight we may need jacket. breeze off the water. here's set up on storm scan three. high pressure over new england
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nice and dry with high clouds over us now. disturbance across midwest, another storm developing across the south and that storm system starts to move to the north and east over next 24 hours. it will bring in the clouds tonight and threat for some showers especially tomorrow afternoon. the cloudy and cool conditions for start of the weekend damp day in the afternoon that rain developed in the mainly afternoon hours. pick up a quarter inch. best time to see steady rain will be in mid to late afternoon between 3:00 and 8:00. gets out of here by evening hours. improving conditions later saturday night. dry start to the saturday but in the afternoon we will see rain moving in, temperatures cool with the clouds and rain in the lower 70's. good news is fast moving system second half of the weekend looks great back to sunshine on sunday, temperatures still on the cool side in the lower 70's. if you like fall weather you'll like second half of the weekend. monday no problems. high pressure keeps us nice and sunny, temperatures very comfortable in the mid up toker 70's. we are in the height of the
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tropical system. we are tracking tropical storm edward in the center of the ocean. wind at 45 miles an hour. track to the northwest and eventually north this stay out over the opened the waters of the atlantic. could be a category one hurricane increasing surf on the jersey shore by middle of next week. clouds to start off your saturday. here comes rain mid to late afternoon, could be steady in the early evening hours. out of here by 11:00, saturday night looks good for sunday same trend into monday. mostly sunny skies. your shore forecast, tomorrow clouds, watch out the for showers, cool with a high of 70. beach plans for sunday it looks good, upper 60's to near 07 with more sunshine. your forecast for tonight comfortable cool lower near 60. for tomorrow watch out for afternoon rain with the high of 71 and then a three day forecast looking better on sunday. more sunshine 73. monday 77 with sun and clouds. we will show thaw seven day monday 77 with sun and clouds. we will show thaw seven day later in the s
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all right. hello everyone welcome to garnett valley high school. they take on ridley tonight. friday football frenzy, thinks the big game of the week, we will feature cheerleaders, the the band, parents, everybody so please tune in on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. now garnett valley is undefeated they run defeated last year. ridley lost to conestoga last week, we were there i'll try to get coaches and sports at 6:00. now lets talk eagles, they are in the spotlight, because they are on monday night football, in indianapolis taking on the colts. when you talk about the colts you have to start with their young quarterback, and that would be andrew luck. he is in his third year, best young qb's in the league and in fact he is being talk about as the heir apparent to the drayton manning, drew brees and tom brady of the world. chip kelly faced luck in
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oregon and he is impressed. >> he can do it all. the more experience he gets the most come backs for a quarterback, in the first three years in the league in the fourth quarter. i don't think there is anything you can throw at him that will say he has never seen it. he really has the whole package. it will be a big challenge for us this monday night. >> beasley, thanks with the recap of the sports tonight. >> getting geared up for friday football frenzy tonight. still to come oscar pistorius now awaits sentencing, he was convicted of manslaughter for killing his girl friend last year we will tell you when so-called blade runner will learn his fate. you need to let go of the microphone. >> does your neighbor deserve to be treated like this. >> i'm charlotte huffman this woman didn't want to talk to us, she is in trouble for the signs she. >> it is torture. >> he says she who are
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regarded him stopping a tonight mayor coming up. and then new at 6:00 o'clock a 16 story building is about to become philadelphia's past, crews are getting ready to implode a high rise but raise something concerns with neighbors. why they are worried about what will be
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mmm ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress.
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uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. i'm chris may, here are some of the day's top stories for you, jury found cristina
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regusters guilty of kidnapping a five-year old girl from her west philadelphia school early last year and sexually assaulting her. prosecutors, credit the victim for helping put her attacker behind bars. well, a worker is hospitalized following a partial home collapse in the queen village neighborhood in philadelphia. home on monroe street was being demolished at the time. workers at the taj mahal in atlantic city received notice that the casino could close in november. trump entertainment resorts which owns the taj has now filed for bankruptcy. justin? chris, great way to finish off the week with pleasant conditions, classic fall like night setting up but things change, a soggy saturday but that turns into a super sunday. temperatures staying on the cool side no signs of any summer-like weather returning. i will show you that in a few more minutes coming up. oscar pistorius is free, on bail, until his sentencing next month. judge in south africa granted
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pistorius bail after convicting him of culpable homicide in the shooting death of his girl friend reeva steenkamp. correspondent deborah pata has more from south africa. >> mr. pistorius, please stand up. >> reporter: oscar pistorius escaped murder charges but the the judge found track star guilty of a lesser charge of killing his girlfriend reeva stein scam seven. >> found guilty of culpable homicide. >> the the judge, convict miss tore just of manslaughter, known as culpable homicide in south africa. she accepted the track star's testimony that he thought he was shooting at a home intruder when he fired four shots into his locked bathroom door but the judge says para olympian was negligent and used excessive force when he killed steenkamp. stein scam seven's mother sat stone faced as she has through much of the trial but reeva's friend could not hold back bursting into floods of tears.
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oscar pistorius has been staying with his uncle throughout the trial, but after the judge's verdict, he was taken briefly to a police holding cell. pistorius's uncle read a statement on his behalf. >> i won't bring reeva back but our hearts go out. >> reporter: prosecutors argued the famous athlete known as blade runner was a flight risk anded asked judge to keep him in jail until sentencing. but judge massipa be ordered he be released until she decides his fate next month. deborah pata, south africa. pistorius faces a wide range of punishment, judge could decide he gets no jail time or up to 15 years behind bars. we're also now learning ohio prison officials were warned about an escape attempt the day before three inmates broke out of jail. inmates, including tj lane who killed three high school students in 2012 are back in custody after an overnight
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manhunt in lime a union representing prison guards says one inn made was put into isolation but no additional measures were taken to secure the unit. there is new information about the growing ranks officeis as the president's plan to defeat the the sunni militant group faces scrutiny on capitol hill. cia now estimates that isis has access to somewhere between 20 and 31,000 fighters in iraq and syria. now the pentagon is stepping up intelligence gathering in seer, yeah not only to help determine the exact number officeis fighters but also to identify targets for air strikes. pilot is missing tonight after two u.s. fighter jets crash in the pacific ocean today. fa18 hornets were from the aircraft carrier u.s.s. karl vincent. a second pilot was rescued. so far the jets have not been recovered and it is unclear what caused those crashes. new to a next door nightmare, a neighborhood conflict that one man says went far, too far.
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he said it made his life miserable and when he was not able to get much help he turn to the cbs-3 iteam and investigative reporter char lieutenant hough man. >> you need to let go of my camera. >> reporter: what about the signs don't you think that is a form of harassment. does your neighbor deserve to be treated like this? >> you will be in trouble. >> reporter: actually it was what christine mccormack was doing that got her in trouble landing her in haverford township court accused of harassing her neighbor doug cross. >> almost like torture, it is torture to pull in my driveway in the knowing what i will be facing. >> reporter: in mccormack's windows were signs that target cross's sexual orientation. >> she had in right to out me to the community. >> reporter: these are yard guard electronic devices that he met a non-stop high pitched sound to keep animals away. the cross neighbors placed four on her property line aim
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at his less than 15 feet away. the despite the manufacture are's warnings that the sound could cause damage to the ear, and do not aim prod new jersey to neighboring yards. >> no. >> reporter: yard guard made cross dog afraid to go outside. >> so we spent our time in the backyard anymore. >> reporter: not just dog that can hear it, even though our cameras could not pick up the sound some people can hear it too. >> excruciatingly loud like something piercing through your head. >> if i visit doug they do bother my ears as a vibration sensation. >> reporter: it ace problem that left cross, a gardener by trade, unable to enjoy his own back yard. >> i get headaches when i work out in my yard. >> reporter: for more than a year he tried resolving the issue. >> contact the with the haverford township code enforcement office and haverford township police to get this resolved. >> reporter: officials told mccormack to point them away. >> little by little she points
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them back in my yard again. >> reporter: as for those derogatory signs they stayed put. >> i have been dealing with with this 13 months. >> reporter: that is when he turn to the iteam for help. it is unclear what forced the actions and as you saw. >> we want to hear your side of the story, christine? she wasn't interested in talking bit. they think they know her motive. >> this seems to be a vendetta against doug for who doug is. >> reporter: judge found christine minister cock mack guilty of harassment, he find her $50 ordered her to remove the signs. he also ordered her, to remove two of the yard guard devices, and cement the remaining two into the ground away from cross house. >> i had to fight this for well-being of the community, for the animals, for my lifestyle, for other people who might be facing similar harassment. >> reporter: we asked officialness haverford why it took so long to take action? they have no comment. so what can do you if you have the next door nightmare and reason hasn't work, experts
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say to document everything, file complaints with the authorities, or contact a mediation center for help to find one go to cbs and click on iteam. i'm charlotte huffman for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good afternoon everyone a poor start to our friday rush hour, completely in the swing of things right now, it is 5:38 and we're starting off in new jersey at ben franklin bridge toll plaza from new jersey. you can see nothing moving. more cars than road in this map right now. from the toll plaza heading westbound and into the bridge completely on stand still and crawling. right two lanes out also due to the on going construction we have going on ben franklin bridge up here. it will set you back. on myself earlier today an hour ago it took me 20 minutes on this jam as well. outside the blue route the same story heading north bound toward the extension moving along better, thinks at ridge pike so headed southbound toward schuylkill expressway toward an earlier accident up
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near schuylkill is where we see those delays heading southbound. some travel times here majors really slowing up i-95 from woodhaven to the vine street expressway. thirty-eight minute trip there southbound schuylkill really slow from the blue route to the expressway out there, it will take you 27 minutes. fair mount park a crash, 33rd street at girard avenue even causing delays on the route 15 trolley. chris and natasha, back over to you. in south jersey the phillies are helping to drive home a lesson about the dangers of texting while driving. >> reporter david madden of our sister station kyw news radio has details from medford. >> reporter: students at burlington county institute of technology got an up close and personal look at the dangers of texting behind the wheel. at&t teamed up with the phillies to drive home a simple message. >> it can wait. third base man codey ashe tried to text and drive on the simulator but it did not go well. >> luckily my buddies, i told them to stop texting me so i
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could make it to the highway but i got pulled over. >> reporter: that is point, utility has an app to make it easy to put the phone down. >> it will send automatically a reply to anybody texting you, calling you or e-mailing you, saying hey i cannot answer i'm on the road. >> reporter: one thing to have an app to shut the phone off but another thing to actually try to text and drive. lets give it a shot. >> i didn't do too well either but that is the point. the kids get it. >> do not text and drive, and i never will. >> reporter: at&t does a dozen of these a year n medicine for, david madden for kyw news radio for kyw-3 "eyewitness news". still to come on "eyewitness news" fire and ice, stunning images captured on camera of a volcano erupt nothing ice land. sorry mr. president, queen bay is more popular with the kids, little girl shares her disappointment with president obama that he is the surprise guest at her school and not beyonce. hear their adorable exchange
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coming up next, justin? we have pleasant conditions all across the delaware valley tonight giving way to rain this weekend we will time it out coming up next when we
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preorder frenzy is
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underway for soon to be released iphone six and iphone six plus, it appears the the iphone six plus, the larger of those two models is already on back order. it boosts a five and a half inch screen, at&t list shipping time as five to six weeks at this point. verizon says sometime in october. and sprint estimates three to six weeks. apple is reportedly hoping to, manufacture 80 million of these phones by the end of the year. well, lets check out what is trending now, president obama disappoints a young volunteer by simply not being beyonce. >> there you go. >> mr. president. >> yes. >> somebody said you were coming, i really wanted it to be beyonce. >> i under stan. >> mallea and sascha would feel the same way. >> they thought were you going to be beyonce.
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>> then i realized it was going to be you, it is even better. >> appreciate you saying that that in front of the press, i necessity that is in the really true but that is okay good would i rather see beyonce. >> that is the the first lady weighing in there. the exchange took place during a 9/11 service event. if you cannot see beyonce, the president of the united states. >> yes president will do. >> not a bad second
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here are dramatic images from iceland where the volcano continues to erupt. the sky has been going strong since august 31st. fortunately the eruption is in a remote area, well away from homes and people. but you can see the volcano is spewing a lot of soul fewer dioxide into the air which can cause respiratory problems. well, back home we have plenty of clean air to talk about today just gorgeous to be outside especially this evening but here is cool shots i want to show you. this is a time lapse loop of rehoboth beach, delaware. we have a second season going on, warm temperatures, warm water and in crowds. people enjoying nice beach day, we will see high clouds rolling through, temperatures cool right now coming in at
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68 degrees with the breeze off the water. we need that jacket down at the shore points tonight and delaware beach and boardwalk maybe. mid to upper 70's for inland spots, warm september sunshine, continues to do its job today but as that sunsets we will drop off nicely, many spots will see 50's for low temperatures. opening up and enjoy it. high thin clouds over us right now, notice some shower activity to our south, and off to the west, two separate storm system, this will be the the main storm to our south, that will track to the north and east bringing more clouds tonight and a period of rain especially saturday mid afternoon in the early evening hours but then much better conditions for sunday. call it a half and half weekend, clouds and some rain tomorrow keep our temperatures cool after that storm quickly moves by. sunday looks great without door plans and backyard football, beautiful conditions, low 70's, certainly feeling like fall. high pressure over us on monday, we will keep it in the mid 70's again maybe upper 70's, closer to average for this time of the year.
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jet stream trying to sag south. it is trying to bring in the cooler fall air mass through the weekend but watch what happens second half of next week. the it drops further south so expect temperatures to cool down even more for the second half of next week. i'll show you that in the seven day forecast, clouds will thicken up tonight just a cloudy start to the saturday but then some rain moves in mid to late afternoon, it could be steady any spots but by 10:00 o'clock or so showers move off shore, sunday looks great we will return to mostly sunny conditions and that is the trend into monday as well. heading up to the mountains for the weekend not the best start for weekend here, cool with some showers, only near 60 for high temperature saturday, sunday looks great mostly sunny mid 60's. still on the cool side monday into partly sunny skies with a high of 67 degrees. we are 60 percent in the city, 50's in the suburbs. knock off air conditioning for sure save some money on the electric bill. afternoon rain coming in saturday, clouds to start off
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your morning, cool with a high of 74 degrees. here we go with the extended forecast, komen three day event, watch out for rain in the afternoon, sunday nice finish to the event with sunshine, 73 degrees. the monday we are up to 77. morning showers, possible, on tuesday, with a high in the mid 70's, and as we head toward the second half of next week it will get cooler, wednesday, thursday, friday highs in the low to mid 70's with mostly sunny skies and temperatures at the shore staying on the cool side in the lower 70's as well. lets check your forecast, over to you, natasha. >> well, 1300 people, many deck out in pink are walking through the philadelphia area in hopes of finding a cure for breast cancer. our carol erickson was there for kick off of the susan g komen three day in philadelphia. >> reporter: three day 60-mile journey might start with the feet but for these walkers that is least important body part but breasts bring them together again, tenth year, still walking so some day no
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one has christie's breast cancer story to tell. >> they didn't think would it happen with me. i was told i had cancer. went through chemotherapy, lost all of my hair, double mastectomy reconstruction. >> reporter: some can no longer tell their own story. >> she's up in heaven right now and i'm walking for you girl friend. >> reporter: so others like allison's mother remember a daughter diagnosis at 24, dead at 32. >> it is a tough day but i look around and i think of everybody who is in the same place, you know and some day we're going to be finished with this. >> reporter: they are not staying in the same place, they can't, they are on the move to end breast cancer's tough stories, with humerus team names to try to balance the sadness like these mounds of joy or these captains of the motor boating club, use your imagination and it takes that and family courage with crazy outfits to get through it. why are you man enough to do it. >> because i'm here supporting my mom.
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>> reporter: other peoples moms, sisters and a few dads who get diagnosed with breast cancer. sunrise hope ending decease by ending the battle. three days closer to turning back breast cancer. in roselyn, carol erickson for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". what a great event that is, and our best to all of the workers. still to come a thriller and a sequel hit theaters this weekend. >> i'm kevin frazier, coming up next escape prisoner is on the lose in no good deed and our favorite dolphin winter is back with the all-star cast for dolphin tail two.
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ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself.
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and now try new progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste.
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well, with some rain in the forecast is there good news is there something for everyone at the box office this weekend. >> entertainment tonight's kevin frazier takes us behind the scenes to show us what is new in theaters. >> reporter: this week, she defend her home and family from escaped criminal in no good deed and the the touching story of winter, the dolphin, continues in dolphin tail two. >> winter needs to be pared with another female and real soon. >> reporter: inspiring dolphin what the prosthetic tail winter continues her journey through life after losing her tank mate in the dolphin tail two. >> she's moving on in life but as you move on in life things happen and in her case she has to confront death and somehow deal with that and we see how a dolphin can have grief. >> i know winter, if we don't give her a chance what do we do. >> dolphins convey and behave in ways that suggest they experience a real range of emotion so there is that identification. >> we don't necessity for sure if dolphins feels friendship
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it feels like they do and that is not a bad thing. >> reporter: things get bad when a stranger comes to the door in no good deeds. >> you say i can your phone. >> reporter: he's a murderer on the loose who pays taraji hen son a unwanted visit. while everyone agrees he is a charmer when cameras role, things got intense. >> we would laugh, joke in between takes and as soon as sam million wore yell action he would be a monster right before my very eyes. he gave me a lot to be afraid of. >> for me it is a great challenge. i never get to play this role. >> you bet those fights were rough but like her character she's smart when it comes to safety. >> anything came crashing down or falling, tumbling stuff, i was like take it away, stunt double. >> all of those things you got you would have figure out, the game plan by now. >> reporter: for entertainment tonight i'm kevin frasier now back to you in the studio. >> good stuff out there this weekend. catch latest entertainment news on entertainment tonight,
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it is on every week night at 7:00 right here on cbs-3. that is "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00 guilty on all counts, woman accused of kidnapping and sexual liz assaulting a five-year old girl learns her fate, tonight we will take you inside the investigation of cristina regusters with brand new details that led to her conviction including video of a bird that helped crack the case. devastating economic impact casino closures in atlantic city, surrounding communities are feeling the impact, it is a form of home foreclosures we will take a closer look at rising rate, justin. we will enjoy nice weather tonight because i'm tracking rain for the weekend, we will time it out and let you know when it arrives in the forecast. come tomorrow this high rise will no longer be standing. crews are preparing to implode a 16 story building but neighbors concern about what will be left behind. "eyewitness news" at 6:00 starts right now.
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right now, at 6:00 o'clock jury hand down a guilty verdict against cristina regusters. she's accuse of a heinous crime begins a five-year old girl. tonight we will go inside the investigation for a firsthand look at the evidence that led to her conviction. that verdict came down less than 24 hours after the deliberations started. good evening, i'm chris may. i'm natasha brown in for jessica tonight. there was a lot of emotion in the courtroom as guilty verdict begins regusters was read. we have live team three coverage of the verdict and our walt hunter spoke one on one with the lead i been investigation in this case but we will start with diana rocco live outside the criminal justice center in center city, diana. >> reporter: a lot of emotion inside the courtroom today, but cristina regusters showed no emotion, when